We must apply our wisdom to explore our innate potential to have successful life. If we do not become as per our nature and follow other’s footprints, then instead of blooming we’ll fade away. Therefore, whatever we are, we must bloom by understanding our own uniqueness and focus on exploring that ultimate natural Nature. Jiyo Jaago Foundation presents the concept of “BYOG” -Be Your Own Guru conceptualised by Spiritual Scientist Shradhey Gurudevjee Shri T.P. Panta to inspire the people of world along with Bharat to invent Mind Technology, which is the need of Modern Society & Science.

Aim of BYOG

To help people discover purposeful life as per their own innate genius to eliminate the competition and start the contribution
To create Awareness & Inspiration regarding “Mind Technology” so that New Philosophy & Innovations can be rendered.
To be the helping hand in developing the Art of balancing Modern Science & Spiritual Science


      Individual Level :

  • Self-dependent through Self-developmen
  • Access to Good Health, Wealth and Happiness Happiness

      Country Level :

  • Nation will become strong and Self-reliant
  • Youth will provide the energy and creativity to make Bharat a “Vishwaguru”.

      Family Level :

  • Relations will be cordial
  • Help to manage emotional disorders like Stress, Anxiety and Depressions

      Society Level :

  • The spirit of Cooperation will increase
  • Social disorders like Old Age Home and Orphanage will vanish gradually, which was never a part of our society & culture,

      Global Level :

  • Understanding of Coherence System will increase
  • Realisation of Interconnectedness & Interdependence will increase among countries.

भारतीय युवाओं को सर्वप्रथम स्वयं का गुरु बनना पड़ेगा तभी भारत विश्वगुरु बन पाएगा।

-श्रद्धेय गुरुदेवजी श्री टी. पी. पंत (Spiritual Scientist)

स्वयं का गुरु बनने के लिए हमें ऐसे योजनाकार की मार्गदर्शन चाहिए जिसके संगत में प्रकृति प्रदत्त निज स्वरूप के अनुकूल जीवन समृद्धशाली बने ।

-धर्मवीर प्रभाकर, फ़ाउंडट- जियो जागो फ़ाउंडेशन